The art of writing well is almost lost in today’s modern workplace. Most of us are more likely to shoot off an email or fire off a text message than sit at our desks and write out a letter or memo. Communication is essential in the modern workplace, but not everyone...
There are many responsibilities that come with the role of being a leader. Robin Cangie shares some of the wisdom gained from her experiences working with individuals and groups as a career and leadership coach. The first piece of advice is to discuss expectations so...
Moving into your first leadership role is both daunting and exhilarating. Making the transition within your current organization brings both the advantages and challenges of familiarity. Below are a few things you can do to ensure a successful transition into your new...
If you don’t have a business plan, you have a plan to fail. It’s true. Start-up entrepreneurs who plunge into their new enterprises without writing a formal business plan are far more likely to fail within the first year of their launch. The U.S. Bureau of Labor...
There is no doubt that leadership is hard, but there are certain circumstances which can make leadership easier than others. Having a good, solid support team can help, as can having experienced mentors. Having said that, there are certain struggles that all leaders...