There is no doubt that leadership is hard, but there are certain circumstances which can make leadership easier than others. Having a good, solid support team can help, as can having experienced mentors. Having said that, there are certain struggles that all leaders...
The question, “What is leadership?” is asked time and time again. Depending who you ask, the answer will vary. Searching this question in Google you will find over a million results in Google. There’s no doubt that it can be hard to pick out one...
In the workplace, performance is crucial to your ability to achieve your objectives and goals. Enforcing progressive performance is the most important aspect that should be emphasized to ensure that such growth is achieved in the long term. When it comes to...
“Are great leaders born or are they trained?” The question has been asked since the dawn of time. Some people just seem to have “it” when it comes to being a leader while others just do not. There are great leaders in different fields, and then...
Bullying is defined as any offensive behavior whether physical or verbal that is directed repeatedly towards a specific individual. This behavior acts to ostracize the individual from a peer group and involves a real or perceived imbalance of power. Bullying is not...