It’s a well-worn Hollywood trope. We’ve all seen the inept and often ignored manager whose willingness to kiss up to the higher-ups and desperation to make himself look good leads to ridiculous situations. While it makes for good comedy, like all...
We all want to be strong and competent leaders at work. Now more than ever before, business professionals are realizing that the habits they practice in their personal lives can be hugely impactive in how they perform in their professional lives.If you’re not...
Frequently, a person’s ability to lead and succeed is judged by their age or another physical attribute. However, ambition, ideation, drive, intelligence, and determination can’t be measured by physical attributes. History abounds with examples of those who defied...
Julius Caesar was one of the most influential leaders in ancient history. His lessons can still be learned even today, as it takes a very skilled person to accomplish the expansion of an empire to nearly the entire world. Though war is never a good thing and he...
Work-life balance is something many professionals strive for, and finding a way to achieve it to their satisfaction is important for overall happiness in work and in life. However, the meaning of this concept has changed over time. This makes it imperative to...