Leaders often get caught up thinking about strategy, numbers, and technology. Although all of those aspects are important to a business, but sometimes it is the smaller gestures that have the most impact. The truth is, your team just wants you to be able to interact on a personal level and show that you care beyond their work performance. Below you will find five little ways that you can create a big impact as an exceptional leader.
Be grateful.
When someone goes out of their way or acts beyond their duties, they expect and deserve recognition. As leaders we can sometimes get wrapped up in our own duties and forget to thank those for their efforts. Be sure not to take anything for granted and show your appreciation for the team whenever you get a spare moment.
Be caring.
A good leader will always care about the people that they are leading. This goes beyond remembering an employee’s birthday. Get to know the people that you work with. Find out what’s happening in their lives and make it a habit of connecting with a few of them each day.
Be invested.
Stay interested and engage with those that work for you. When you show your interest the team’s future, you are bound to get hard-working people in return. Keep in mind that you don’t build the business by yourself. You help build the people and those people build the business.
Be flexible.
Work-life balance is something you should constantly advocate for. If someone asks to leave early for an appointment or work from home, remember to stay flexible and say yes. Help your team understand that you respect and trust them and you realize they all have lives outside of the office. Proving that you are flexible will help raise morale in the end.
Be accessible.
As a leader, you often have a lot on your plate, which means that your are a pretty busy person. Although your schedule may be packed, make sure that you are carving out some time that you are available to your team. Every member of your team should feel like that can come to you with any suggestion or issue. This will not only help them feel at ease in their jobs, but it will help earn trust with every member of your team.